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What does this "NO WALL ANCHOR" message mean to you? It's an important question, because it reveals TileWare's value proposition and a $600 million dollar market. Every consumer has had a negative experience with wall anchors at some time with accessories hanging, loosening or pulling out of the wall. I received a call concerning a gentleman that spent $20,000 dollars on a tile bathroom renovation. Along with his tile, he purchased expensive grab bars ($800ea), installing them with plastic wall anchors. Needless to say, the man was livid when he discovered that his grab bars pulled out of the wall. This grab bar failure represented itself as more of an aggregated failure, affecting the perception of the whole project. This is exactly why TileWare is engaging the tile industry... so consumers never have their grab bars pull away from their beautiful tile.

TileWare is fixing this problem forever! Interestingly, the fix comes with a significant "new style agenda," allowing designers and tile professionals alike to dynamically improve the consumer experience, both in the showroom and after installation. Currently 13% of all tile square footage entering the U.S. market converts to showers and tubs - that's approximately 400,000 tile shower and tub installs monthly... incredible. What's even more incredible is the tile industry's opportunity to influence the consumer mind holistically, combining personality, functionality and utility in a single sales experience.

TileWare's value proposition definitely extends to the tile industry at large, but was specifically crafted for designers and tile professionals. The purpose of the "NO WALL ANCHOR" image is to clearly communicate that they are not only passé, but wrong. The tile industry is in a grand position to lead and stop waterproofing violations forever.

So to answer my initial question, the "NO WALL ANCHOR" message means that TileWare values and serves the tile industry with exclusive products that protect waterproofing. TileWare's solution is not only compelling in terms of revenue, but allows us to collectively and permanently displace a failure that has more than worn out its welcome!

Thanks for taking time,

David H. Scalise